‘Life outside this diagnosis’: Violence, HIV, and empowerment

زندگی خارج از اینگونه تشخیصات: خشونت, اچ آی وی و توانمندسازی
متاسفانه از تعداد 300,000 زنانی که با اچ آی وی زندگی می کنند, نیمی از آنان بنوعی مورد تعرض و خشونت جنسی بوسیله همسران خود یا مردان دیگری قرار گرفته اند.

“I never looked at it like I was a person who had experienced domestic violence. I just thought I was a chick who got beat up sometimes.”

Empowered: Women, HIV & Intimate Partner Violence, a short film released by Greater Than AIDS, features five women living with HIV—Gina, Michelle, Maria, Lynnea, and Vickie—who talk about life with the virus and the way it connects with abuse in their relationships.

Initially, explain the women, they saw their relationships as normal, not violent.

Their partners would prey on their self-esteem as women living with HIV by saying things like “you’re lucky to have me.” Childhood experiences of trauma and gender-based violence had also skewed their perspective of what was acceptable and affected their decisions as adults.

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Deep Breaths: Learning to Live Well With HIV
نفس های عمیق: بیاموزید به خوبی با اچ آی وی زندگی کنید

Life can sometimes seem like an endless barrage of accolades and admonishments, with each propelling you from one moment to the next. Whereas the thrill of achievement is fleeting at best, the fallout from a mistake can seem like an endless freefall. When it comes to HIV, those who live with the virus can often feel as if it is the ultimate mark against them; forever diminishing any future good deeds or successes to come. But this feeling, whether it stems from HIV or any other moment or action you regret, is merely a result of self-induced shame and guilt.

And it is complete and total bullshit.

Just think about it. A life without mistakes or missteps is not a life at all, or at least not one that sounds very exciting. Conversely, a life worth mentioning is filled with excitement and regret, love and heartbreak, adventures and mistakes, and maybe even an STD. Of course, it’s best to avoid anything that is bad for you, sexual or otherwise. And while that is a nice quote to stitch onto a pillow, it is all but worthless to you in real life. Because in the Technicolor world, personal growth comes from the aftermath of doing things we sometimes regret.


Unfortunately, the social stigma and blinding fear associated with HIV often hinders people from growth. Instead, many people choose to live in the shadow of their former selves and rest on the notion that they will never be able to have the life they once had. They do this even though all of the pieces are sitting there just waiting to be but together again. No, nott just put back together, but improved upon. Restored, renovated and upgraded.

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Despite Cancer Risk, Doctors Still Not Pushing HPV Vaccine
واکسن ویروس اچ پی وی (زگیل تناسلی) برای پیشگیری از شیوع گسترده سرطانهای دهانه رحم و مقعد و همچنین آلت جنسی در مردان

One of the biggest frustrations vented by people who work in public health these days is that the most common sexually transmitted infection around – HPV, also known as the human papilloma virus or genital warts – has a vaccine to prevent it.

© iStockphoto

© iStockphoto

One in four Americans are infected with the virus, which can lead to cancer, particularly in people with HIV. Almost every sexually active American will contract it at some point through anal, oral, or vaginal sex. Many people clear the virus on their own and do not exhibit symptoms. There are 150 strains of the virus, with some causing anal, cervical, penile or oral cancer and some not.

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Treat all people living with HIV
سازمان جهانی بهداشت: „درمان همه“ مردم مبتلا و پیشگیری از اچ آی وی

سازمان جهانی بهداشت: درمان برای تمام مردم مبتلا به اچ آی وی و همچنین پیشگیری از آن برای انسانهای در معرض خطر

هر انسانی باید تا آنجایی که امکان دارد هر چه زودتر پس از تشخیص ابتلای او به HIV تحت درمان داروهای ضد  ویروس HIV و انسانهایی که در معرض خطر بسیار بالای ابتلا به ویروس اچ آی وی قرار دارند یک داروی پیشگیری دریافت کنند.

این توصیه از سوی سازمان بهداشت جهانی درمان همه“ نامیده شده است که برای کمک و جلوگیری ازمرگ و میر 21 میلیون انسان تا سال 2030 و همچنین پیشگیری از 28 میلیون مورد جدید ابتلا مردم به ویروس اچ آی وی می باشد.

برگردان: کیومرث سراج الهی  برگرفته از سایت: سازمان جهانی بهداشت

Treat all people living with HIV, offer antiretrovirals as additional prevention choice for people at „substantial“ risk

New policies could help avert more than 21 million deaths and 28 million new infections by 2030

ART Therapy, having more certainty for the future.
photo: WHO/A. Fitrianto

Anyone infected with HIV should begin antiretroviral treatment as soon after diagnosis as possible, WHO announced Wednesday. With its „treat-all“ recommendation, WHO removes all limitations on eligibility for antiretroviral therapy (ART) among people living with HIV; all populations and age groups are now eligible for treatment.

The expanded use of antiretroviral treatment is supported by recent findings from clinical trials confirming that early use of ART keeps people living with HIV alive, healthier and reduces the risk of transmitting the virus to partners.

Source: WHO

Jeder, der mit HIV infiziert ist, sollte die antiretrovirale Behandlung so bald wie möglich nach der Diagnose beginnen. Menschen mit einem hohen HIV-Risiko sollten eine Präexpositionsprophylaxe erhalten.

Diese „Treat-All“-Empfehlung soll laut der Weltgesundheitsorganisation, WHO, helfen, bis 2030 mehr als 21 Millionen Tote und 28 Millionen neu HIV-Infektionen zu verhindern. Die neuen Empfehlungen wurden am 30. September 2015 vorgestellt.

6 Different Ways You can get HIV
شش راه گوناگونی که شما می توانید به اچ آی وی مبتلا شوید

graphic: AIDS.gov

graphic: AIDS.gov

There are a lot of assumptions made about the kind of people who get HIV. Some people think that it is only an issue for people who are promiscuous, the poor, minorities, gay people, or whatever other group that they are not a part of. With the false safety of these beliefs, people continue to make common mistakes that have the potential to lead them to a rude awakening about who can get HIV. More than half of young people who are living with HIV are unaware of their status, and HIV infection is on the rise. So don’t be naïve about the kinds of people who can get HIV, because no one is exempt from infection and almost everyone has had an experience that could have made all the difference.

Here are six common ways that you can become infected with HIV:

You thought he was monogamous.شما فکر می کردید شریک تان به شما (یک همبستر) وفادار بود

Surprisingly, this is one of the most common ways that people report becoming HIV-positive. When you enter into a monogamous relationship, you shouldn’t have to always keep guessing your partner’s is faithfulness or be forced to wear condoms on your wedding night. But that doesn’t mean you should turn a blind eye to the possibilities of your partner sleeping with another person. So keep the communication open and the topic of HIV on both of your minds to minimize your risk while maximizing your pleasure.

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Donating blood stem cells save the lives of patients with serious blood diseases

Information about the importance of donating blood stem cells save the lives of patients with serious blood diseases (usually children) – such as leukemia, thalassemia, etc.
(Please share this vital information with others!)

Ehdaye KhounAt present, the only definitive treatment for patients suffering from blood cancer, thalassemia, anemia and other serious diseases, is transplanted hematopoietic stem cell to them. This can occur from someone who genetically (not blood group) is similar to the patient. 30 % of patients find the person (who is genetically similar) in their family members or related, but the other 70 % cannot find the same case in their family so have to get help from others. If they do not find the choice, they would lost their lives. Well as the number of people who are genetically similar to each other in the human population is very low (due to genetic compatibility condition for transplantation you may be the only person can be similar to a patient and be a saver) its requirement to give a helping hand to each other to save them with only half an hour of going and doing a simple blood test and be a part of stem cell bank. Registration population has been very low. If the result shows that our stem cell are similar with the patient then center will make contact us at the time to donate of the stem cells. Donated stem cells is like donated the blood.

Volunteers can sign up by visiting the following link anywhere in the world, the center of your country search and find by doing a simple blood test or saliva test (to determine genetic) to save the lives of many humans act:

Bone Marrow Donors Worldwide (BMDW)

اهدای سلولهای بنیادی از طریق خون برای نجات جان بیماران مبتلا به سرطان خون و سایر بیماریهای وخیم خونی“

بنام خدا

هر کس نفسی را حیات بخشد به مانند این است که جهانی را حیات بخشیده

اطلاعاتی درمورد اهدا سلول بنیادی از طریق خون واهمیت آن در نجات جان بیماران مبتلا به بیماریهای وخیم خونی (عموما کودکان) مانند سرطان خون،تالاسمی ماژور و..(بسیار حیاتی،لطفا اطلاع رسانی کنید)

در حال حاضر تنها راه درمان قطعی بیماران مبتلا به سرطان خون، تالاسمی ماژور وسایر بیماریهای وخیم خونی، پیوند سلولهای بنیادی خونساز به آنهاست. اين كار از طريق فردی که از لحاظ ژنتیکی (نه گروه خون) با بیمار مشابه باشد صورت مي پذيرد. 30% افراد بیمار از خانواده و فامیل خود فرد مشابه را  پیدا می‌کنند ولی 70% دیگر، در خانواده و فامیل فردي با ژنتيك مشابه را پیدا نكرده و می‌بایست از افراد غیرخویشاوند، ژنتیک مشابه را پيدا كنند و درصورت پیدا نکردن گزينه‌اي با چنين ويژگي‌هايي، جان خود را ازدست می‌دهند.همچنین تعداد افرادی که از لحاظ ژنتیکی در جامعه انسانی باهم مشابه باشند بسیار پایین است (بعلت شرط سازگاری ژنتیکی برای پیوند،ممکن است تنها شما فرد مشابه به یک بیمار و نجاتگر باشید) لذا این امر مستلزم اینست که همه دست به دست هم بدهیم وبرای یاری رساندن به این عزیزان با گذاشتن تنها نیم ساعت از وقتمان و انجام یک آزمایش ساده خون،عضوی از این بانک سلول بنیادی شویم.در حال حاضر تعداد جمعیت ثبت نام شده بسیار پایین می باشد. لازم به ذکر است زمانی که جواب آزمایش ما با فرد بیماری مشابه باشد از سوی مرکز با ما تماس گرفته شده و اهدا در آن زمان صورت میگیرد و سلولهای بنیادی را ازخون ما میگیرند.شیوه اهدا، از طریق خون و مشابه اهدای خون میباشد.شایان ذکر است زمان برای این بیماران که عموما کودکند بسیار حائز اهمیت میباشد و تاخیر در ثبت نام توسط داوطلبان،در بانک اهدا سلول بنیادی،باعث از دنیا رفتن بیماران میگردد. برای بهتر خواندن آگاهی ها روی پوستر زیر کلیک کنید. با سپاس

Ehdaye Khounدرایران چهار مرکز ازداوطلبین ثبت نام بعمل می آورند که در حال حاضر یکی از آنها(بانک اهدا بیمارستان شریعتی) با سیستم بانک اهداکنندگان جهانی مرتبط است و این بدین معنی است که ثبت نام در بانک اهدا بیمارستان شریعتی به منزله ثبت نام در بانک جهانی است و در صورت ثبت نام در بانک اهدا سلول بنیادی بیمارستان شریعتی،میتوان به تمام بیماران در سراسر کره زمین یاری رساند و جانشان را نجات داد:

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HIV Equal – Survival Guide: To PrEP or Not to PrEP
راهنما یا استراتژی بقا در برابر اچ آی وی: پیشگیری کنیم یا نکنیم

راهنما یا استراتژی بقا در برابر اچ آی وی: پیشگیری کنیم یا نکنیم

با استفاده از داروی تراوادا میتوان به مانند کاندوم تا احتمال 99 درصد از انتقال و ابتلا به اچ آی وی پیشگیری کرد. 

In most ways, sexually active men and women in the 90s had it worse than we do today. You couldn’t just swipe right to meet someone; you had to write down the directions if you were going to pick up a date for the first time, and HIV medications weren’t nearly as advanced as they are today. Yes, sex and dating in the 90s were a little trickier than they are today, but at least one question was a little easier to answer. If you wanted to practice safe sex, condoms were your only option. There was nothing to debate; you either wrapped it up or you didn’t. But today, if you are a gay man who is HIV-negative and sexually active, that question has become quite a bit more complicated.


(Illustration by: Clarione Gutierrez)

PrEP is the pre-exposure prophylaxis pill that, when taken on a daily basis by someone who is HIV-negative, prevents the transmission of HIV by up to 99 percent. The drug, known as Truvada, has been available as PrEP since 2012, and research has continued to show its overwhelming success when taken correctly. Although doctors recommend that PrEP be used in conjunction with condoms because it does not protect against other STIs, people who use PrEP will experience the same efficacy rate of HIV prevention from Truvada whether they wear a condom or not, although condoms do provide an added layer of protection.

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Transgender Women Face Inadequate Health Care, ‘Shocking’ HIV Rates


Transgender performers walk backstage during an event to mark World AIDS Day in 2013. A new WHO report demonstrates extremely rates of HIV infection among transgender women in 15 countries.
Prakash Mathema/AFP/Getty Images

 سیستم بهداشت و مراقبت های درمانی در زن فراجنسییتی صورت درست و کاملی ندارد. همچنین نرخ اچ آی وی در این گروه از انسانها در وضعیت تکان دهنده ای قرار دارد.

Transgender people are not getting adequate health care, and widespreaddiscrimination is largely to blame, according to a recent World Health Organization report. And the story is told most starkly in the high rates of HIV among transgender women worldwide.

JoAnne Keatley, one of the authors of that study, puts it plainly.

“Just shocking rates,” she tells NPR’s Arun Rath. “There was a recent meta-analysis demonstrating that a transgender woman was 49 times as likely to be living with HIV [than the general population] in 15 countries in which data was looked at and analyzed.”

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HIV transmission from mother to child nearly eliminated in Canada

Each year, an average of 200 are born in Canada to women diagnosed with HIV


photo: iStock

انتقال اچ آی وی از مادر به فرزند نزدیک به مرز از بین رفتن و حذف در کانادا رسید.

Canada has virtually eliminated the incidence of mothers passing HIV to their infants at birth, primarily because of high rates of pre-natal testing and ready access to drug treatment that subdues the infection, researchers say.

In 2014, there was only one case of mother-to-child HIV transmission in Canada, continuing a decade-long downward trend, said Dr. Jason Brophy, chair of the Canadian Pediatric and Perinatal AIDS Research Group (CPARG), which has been tracking cases since 1990.

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