Daily, active fight against stigma and discrimination of people living with HIV and AIDS-sufferers

World AIDS Day 2023 – “Let communities lead“

HIV education, prevention and treatment are rights for all people.
Avoiding stigmatization & discrimination enables every person to use these rights.

Kiumars Seraj Elahy.

Aids IranMeanwhile, more than 42 years have passed since AIDS was recognized as a disease (1 December 1981) and, unfortunately, still many people become infected with HIV in the Iranian society.

HIV and AIDS in Iran continues to be a social taboo.
There is no explanation, neither on the radio or on television, nor on billboards or in other printed media. In the schools, subjects such as sex, contraception or AIDS simply do not exist.
All people know about it, they learn today from the Internet.

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Resolution 2048 (2015) – Provisional version – „Discrimination against transgender people in Europe
قطعنامه جدید مجمع پارلمان اروپا برضد تبعیض تراجنسی ها در اروپا

1. The Parliamentary Assembly regrets that transgender people face widespread discrimination in Europe. This takes a variety of forms, including difficulties in access to work, housing and health services, as well as a high prevalence of hate speech, hate crime, bullying and physical and psychological violence. Transgender people are also at particular risk of multiple discrimination. The fact that the situation of transgender people is considered as a disease by international diagnosis manuals is disrespectful of their human dignity and an additional obstacle to social inclusion.

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Why one U.S. mom isn’t telling anyone her child is HIV-positive

Children at desks in school

Children at desks in school. photo: Thinkstock

HIV is nothing to be afraid of, says one mother. What’s frightening is the ignorance and discrimination of others.

For that reason, a contributor to the U.S.-based Scary Mommy blog says she is not disclosing her kindergartener’s HIV-positive status to other parents,educators,and child minders.

“My HIV child is playing with your child, and you don’t know it,” the author, who uses the name Jenn Mosher, writes. “She has played with your child at a local private preschool, been dunked next to yours during swim lessons, and stands in line behind your kid in gymnastics class.”

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Passengers with HIV sue China’s Spring Airlines


Two passengers with HIV are suing a budget Chinese airline for refusing to let them board a plane.

Local media reports say the two men and a friend – who does not have HIV – were prevented from boarding a Spring Airlines plane at Shenyang airport.

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