Treat all people living with HIV
سازمان جهانی بهداشت: „درمان همه“ مردم مبتلا و پیشگیری از اچ آی وی

سازمان جهانی بهداشت: درمان برای تمام مردم مبتلا به اچ آی وی و همچنین پیشگیری از آن برای انسانهای در معرض خطر

هر انسانی باید تا آنجایی که امکان دارد هر چه زودتر پس از تشخیص ابتلای او به HIV تحت درمان داروهای ضد  ویروس HIV و انسانهایی که در معرض خطر بسیار بالای ابتلا به ویروس اچ آی وی قرار دارند یک داروی پیشگیری دریافت کنند.

این توصیه از سوی سازمان بهداشت جهانی درمان همه“ نامیده شده است که برای کمک و جلوگیری ازمرگ و میر 21 میلیون انسان تا سال 2030 و همچنین پیشگیری از 28 میلیون مورد جدید ابتلا مردم به ویروس اچ آی وی می باشد.

برگردان: کیومرث سراج الهی  برگرفته از سایت: سازمان جهانی بهداشت

Treat all people living with HIV, offer antiretrovirals as additional prevention choice for people at „substantial“ risk

New policies could help avert more than 21 million deaths and 28 million new infections by 2030

ART Therapy, having more certainty for the future.
photo: WHO/A. Fitrianto

Anyone infected with HIV should begin antiretroviral treatment as soon after diagnosis as possible, WHO announced Wednesday. With its „treat-all“ recommendation, WHO removes all limitations on eligibility for antiretroviral therapy (ART) among people living with HIV; all populations and age groups are now eligible for treatment.

The expanded use of antiretroviral treatment is supported by recent findings from clinical trials confirming that early use of ART keeps people living with HIV alive, healthier and reduces the risk of transmitting the virus to partners.

Source: WHO

Jeder, der mit HIV infiziert ist, sollte die antiretrovirale Behandlung so bald wie möglich nach der Diagnose beginnen. Menschen mit einem hohen HIV-Risiko sollten eine Präexpositionsprophylaxe erhalten.

Diese „Treat-All“-Empfehlung soll laut der Weltgesundheitsorganisation, WHO, helfen, bis 2030 mehr als 21 Millionen Tote und 28 Millionen neu HIV-Infektionen zu verhindern. Die neuen Empfehlungen wurden am 30. September 2015 vorgestellt.

HIV Equal – Survival Guide: To PrEP or Not to PrEP
راهنما یا استراتژی بقا در برابر اچ آی وی: پیشگیری کنیم یا نکنیم

راهنما یا استراتژی بقا در برابر اچ آی وی: پیشگیری کنیم یا نکنیم

با استفاده از داروی تراوادا میتوان به مانند کاندوم تا احتمال 99 درصد از انتقال و ابتلا به اچ آی وی پیشگیری کرد. 

In most ways, sexually active men and women in the 90s had it worse than we do today. You couldn’t just swipe right to meet someone; you had to write down the directions if you were going to pick up a date for the first time, and HIV medications weren’t nearly as advanced as they are today. Yes, sex and dating in the 90s were a little trickier than they are today, but at least one question was a little easier to answer. If you wanted to practice safe sex, condoms were your only option. There was nothing to debate; you either wrapped it up or you didn’t. But today, if you are a gay man who is HIV-negative and sexually active, that question has become quite a bit more complicated.

(Illustration by: Clarione Gutierrez)

PrEP is the pre-exposure prophylaxis pill that, when taken on a daily basis by someone who is HIV-negative, prevents the transmission of HIV by up to 99 percent. The drug, known as Truvada, has been available as PrEP since 2012, and research has continued to show its overwhelming success when taken correctly. Although doctors recommend that PrEP be used in conjunction with condoms because it does not protect against other STIs, people who use PrEP will experience the same efficacy rate of HIV prevention from Truvada whether they wear a condom or not, although condoms do provide an added layer of protection.

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Three More Reasons to Cheer For the HIV Prevention Pill, PrEP.

Last week, there was quite the hat trick of good news regarding the HIV prevention pill known as pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP.

TruvadaOn Wednesday, June 24, Governor Jerry Brown signed a budget for the Golden State that includes $2 million for PrEP outreach and education. That means organizations that advocate for PrEP, such as the Los Angeles LGBT Center, will be able to apply for some of that money and use it to help people learn about and obtain PrEP.

“There are a lot of people who don’t even know about PrEP,” Aaron Fox of the Los Angeles LGBT Center told HIV Equal. “Especially in communities outside of West Hollywood, and people traditionally shut out of medical care either because of income status or distress to the medical system.”

That may include minority men who have sex with men who do not identify as gay, and who are not reached by traditional PrEP messaging. It also can include transgender people who will not go see a doctor for fear of being gawked at in the waiting room. Still other people simply think they cannot afford PrEP and therefore don’t even bother with exploring it as an HIV prevention option.

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PROUD: HIV-Prä-Expositions-Prophylaxe reduziert HIV-Risiko um 86 Prozent

Die britische PROUD-Studie mit 545 schwulen Männern mit erhöhtem HIV-Risiko zeigt: Die Einnahme des HIV-Medikaments Truvada schützt vor einer HIV-Infektion – auch unter Alltagsbedingungen.

Die Forscher hatten die Teilnehmer in zwei Gruppen aufgeteilt. Ein Teil der Männer bekam sofort die Verschreibung von Truvada zur täglichen Einnahme angeboten, der andere Teil sollte ein Jahr warten. Im Oktober 2014 zeichnete sich jedoch bereits die hohe Schutzwirkung des Medikaments ab, sodass auch die zweite Gruppe die HIV-Prä-Expositions-Prophylaxe (PrEP) angeboten wurde, was die meisten Männer annahmen.

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Canadians already on PrEP while drug sits in regulatory limbo

آیا شما اچ آی وی منفی هستید و مایلید که همین گونه وضعیت تندرستی شما باقی بماند؟  روزانه یک عدد قرص تراوادا راه حل بسیار مناسبی برای پیشگیری از ابتلا به به ویروس عفونی اچ آی وی است.
داروی تراواد برای پیشگیری از ابتلا به عفونت اچ آی وی و همچنین درمان برای مبتلایان به ویروس اچ آی وی و بیماران ایدز.
برگردان: کیومرث سراج الهی

You’re HIV-negative. You’d like to stay that way. Is a daily dose of pre-exposure prophylaxis the solution?

photo: Daily Xtra

photo: Daily Xtra

It works like the birth control pill. It’s a once-a-day tablet. It can have side effects, but for most, it’s relatively safe. Like birth control, it works only if you actually take it every day. And it doesn’t prevent sexually transmitted infections like chlamydia and gonorrhea.

The difference is this pill doesn’t prevent pregnancy. It prevents HIV.

The drug is Truvada, which is a common first-line treatment for people who are HIV-positive. But doctors are beginning to prescribe it to people who are HIV-negative as a way of keeping them negative, part of a strategy called pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP for short.

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HIV-PrEP – worauf warten wir eigentlich?

Startblock_CreditNicholas Feustel fragt: Wenn weitgehend Einigkeit herrscht, dass die HIV-PrEP funktioniert, wenn man sie nimmt – warum setzen wir uns dann nicht alle dafür ein, dass diese neue Präventionsmöglichkeit auch in Deutschland Wirklichkeit wird?

Aus anerkannten wissenschaftlichen Studien (iPrEX-Studie und iPrEX-OLE-Studie) wissen wir, dass die tägliche Einnahme einer Tablette Truvada eine sehr hohe Schutzwirkung (im oberen 90-Prozent-Bereich) vor HIV bietet. Ebenso wissen wir, dass nicht alle Menschen jedes Mal, wenn sie Sex haben, Kondome verwenden (siehe zum Beispiel die Ergebnisse der Wiederholungsbefragung „Schwule Männer und HIV/Aids“). Da könnte doch die HIV-PrEP gerade für Menschen aus den Gruppen, die am stärksten von HIV betroffen sind, eine zusätzliche oder alternative Schutzmöglichkeit sein.

Was also könnte gegen die PrEP sprechen?

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PrEP use in the „real world“: Results from the iPrEX open label extension

red_ribbon-229x300Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is an HIV prevention strategy that involves HIV-negative people taking anti-HIV drugs to reduce their risk of HIV infection. This strategy also involves regular visits with a service provider to test for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), monitor side effects and receive adherence and risk-reduction support. Several randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials (RCTs) have shown that the daily use of a pill containing the anti-HIV drugs tenofovir and FTC (known by the brand name Truvada) is generally safe and can reduce the risk of HIV infection by over 90% if taken as directed. It is less effective if pills are missed. The daily use of Truvada as PrEP has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the U.S. Also, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) have released guidelines recommending that PrEP be offered to HIV-negative people at high risk of HIV infection.

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USA: HIV-Prophylaxe mit Arznei empfohlen

In den USA wird jetzt erstmals eine medikamentöse Präexpositionsprophylaxe (PreP) von HIV-Infektionen empfohlen. Zu dem Schutz wird bei erhöhtem Infektionsrisiko geraten und nur in Verbindung mit anderen Prophylaxe-Methoden.

Pille zur Verhütung von HIV-Infektionen: Die medikamentöse Prophylaxe wird jetzt in den USA empfohlen.  © Gilead

Pille zur Verhütung von HIV-Infektionen: Die medikamentöse Prophylaxe wird jetzt in den USA empfohlen.
© Gilead

ATLANTA. Bereits 2012 hatte die US-Behörde FDA das Kombipräparat mit 300 mg Tenofovir und 200 mg Emtricitabin (Truvada®) zur PreP zugelassen.

In Deutschland ist die Kombination der beiden antiretroviralen Substanzen in einer Tablette seit 2005 mit demselben Handelsnamen zugelassen, allerdings mit 200 mg Emtricitabin plus 245 mg Tenofovir und ausschließlich zur Kombinationsbehandlung von bereits mit HIV infizierten Erwachsenen.

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Reducing the Risk of HIV by 90 Percent

photo: Phil Wilson / The Sacramento Observer

Opinion – The Black AIDS Institute’s Black treatment advocate networks (BTANS) are hosting Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) forums around the country (Atlanta, Baton Rouge, Ft. Lauderdale, Jackson, Little Rock, Los Angles, Minneapolis, and Oakland) to raise awareness and educate our communities about PrEP.

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