HIV cure continues to evade doctors
پزشکان: درمان اچ آی وی ملزم به ادامه مداوم آن می باشد

_77964144_c0200994-hiv,_artwork-splGiving drugs within hours of HIV infection is not a cure, say doctors treating a baby in Milan, Italy.

The newborn infant cleared the virus from their bloodstream, but HIV re-emerged soon after antiretroviral treatment stopped.

More on This Story:
“Mississippi Baby” Now Has Detectable HIV, Researchers Find.
Große Enttäuschung Mississippi-Baby nicht geheilt.
نا امیدی بزرگ: نوزاد می سی سی پی شفا پیدا نکرده

Doctors had hoped rapid treatment would might prevent HIV becoming established in the body.

Experts said there was „still some way to go“ before a cure was found.

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Ebola and AIDS: A tale of Two Viruses
ابولا و ایدز, داستان دو ویروس

Ebola vaccine research at Vanderbilt University. Photo: EPA

Ebola vaccine research at Vanderbilt University. Photo: EPA

A deadly virus appears in Africa, and makes the jump from animals to humans.

Decades later the virus causes an epidemic across the continent: Preying on poor sanitary conditions and public-health practices, it kills thousands and threatens millions. A worldwide pandemic seems imminent.

Sound familiar?

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