Uganda meldet Erfolge im Kampf gegen Aids

Die Zwischenbilanz ist positiv: Uganda geht einen erfolgreichen Weg im Kampf gegen Aids. Das Ziel: eine HIV-freie Generation.

Großer Erfolg: Immer mehr HIV-positive Menschen in Uganda nehmen antiretrovirale Medikamente ein. © Leo Lintang / Fotolia

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KAMPALA. Immer wieder kommt es in Uganda zu Ebola-Ausbrüchen, und zuletzt tauchte das Marburg-Fieber auf. Aber im Kampf gegen Aids verkünden die Behörden nun große Erfolge.

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Australia performs best in HIV treatment cascade – 62% with undetectable viral load
استرالیا بهترین عملکرد را در درمان اچ ای وی انجام میدهد

Alice Raymond, Imperial College London, speaking at HIV Glasgow. Image courtesy of HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow 2014 (

Alice Raymond, Imperial College London, speaking at HIV Glasgow. Image courtesy of HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow 2014 (

Australia and northern European countries are doing far better than North America at retaining people living with HIV in care and achieving viral suppression, according to a comprehensive survey of ‚treatment cascades‘ in high-income countries presented on Tuesday at the HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow conference.

However, even in the best-performing countries viral suppression falls short of the aspirational target recently set by UNAIDS, and the survey identified country-specific weaknesses in performance. In the United Kingdom, diagnosis of HIV infection is the major weakness preventing higher rates of viral suppression in the population living with HIV, whereas linkage to care emerged as the primary weakness in the United States.

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