The PLHIV Stigma Index at AIDS 2012

„This will be the first tool that will provide real evidence of the challenges that are violating the rights of people living with HIV“

The People Living with HIV Stigma Index

Challenges in moving from data to action when the evidence is ignored: the story of the people living with HIV Stigma Index in Belarus

Moving from evidence to action: real data can change real lives; programmes for change and advocacy from PLHIV led research in Estonia MOPE402 Stigma

is decreasing: results of Stigma Index survey among people living with HIV in Fiji, south Pacific

30 years on HIV related stigma and discrimination are still barriers in the workplace: findings from The People Living with HIV Stigma Index

Workplaces not working? Stigma and discrimination experienced by PLHIV in the workplace and health care settings in Cameroon; findings from PLHIV led research

The PLHIV Stigma Index in Germany: results of the community initiative on HIV-related stigmatization THPE442 Stigma Index Mexico

What people living with and affected Stigma and discrimination want from their faith leaders: reflections and data on stigma experienced by faith communities in Ethiopia

What people living with and affected by H IV want from their faith leaders: reflections and data on stigma experienced by faith communities in Zambia

What people living with and affected by HIV want from their faith leaders: reflections and data on stigma experienced by faith communities in Ethiopia, Kenya and Zambia

Positive voices. Stigma index results in Colombia

If you are not going to be in Washington you will be able to access these posters after the 22nd July on the AIDS2012 website: click